COMMANDO Distributor

CHANGE Networks is a Distributor of COMMANDO Networking products. COMMANDO is a technology company focused on research and development in leading-edge technologies in networking. It develops, manufactures and sells networking hardware and services worldwide.


COMMANDO Networking

COMMANDO is focused on Switching, Routing and Wireless Networking. The Product Portfolio includes:

  • Network Switches
  • Wireless
  • Routers
  • Networking Accessories


Get what you deserve.

Super Brand of The Year Award

Awarded by: IEDRA

SME Excellence Award

Awarded by: SME Chamber of India.

Business Excellence Award

Awarded by: IEDRA

International Achiever’s Award

Awarded by: International Achievers Summit

Excellent IT Company of the Year

Awarded by: RK Excellence Award


Business Demands to be Smarter

Save time and get more known and done by using COMMANDO mobile app. Find prices, product details, manage stock, set your selling prices for your team, do market analysis - see what's selling hot and what's not and a lot more - all on COMMANDO mobile app. Available on all major app stores. Download Now.

apple-app-store   google-play-store

Get In Touch With Us

We will be pleased to contact you to add value to your business.


CHANGE Networks is neither a partner of nor an affiliate of Cisco Systems.
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